Monday, January 2, 2017

Orton Gillingham in Atlanta: What are Some Warning Signs of Dyslexia?

Having worked with students who have had various challenges in education for the last ten years, it is normal to hear that some things appear amiss when it comes to your child's learning. 

Despite the fact that your child may have had great experiences during their early preschool and kindergarten years, there are a few things that you may need to pay attention to so that the problems do not persist and create more of an emotional and financial burden down the road.

Here are some warning signs of Dyslexia/Processing Disorders:

Made Up Speech 

Developmentally, your child will go through certain stages of speech and making up speech while they are in grade school may hold them back from understanding how to read or even processing information in general. If your child is of school age, they should begin to have more refined skills in communicating that will make learning more accessible.

Articulation Difficulties 

If your child is four years old and cannot say the word "earth", that is normal (despite the fact that I told my mother that my baby brother had a speech disorder when he kept saying "earf" and not "earth" when he was three) however, there comes a point when children need to learn how to speak coherently. 

There are a variety of ways that articulation impacts learning and the causes might be more than normal progression of where to place the letters in a word. 

Left versus Right Confusion 

Not knowing the difference between your left and your right is one sign of Dyslexia, a popular disorder. There are other tell tale signs, but if your child keeps forgetting which one is which (or if they put the wrong shoe on each foot like my niece did), you might want to see if it is simply them forgetting or if it is one of the other things that they are not able to learn.

Coordination Problems

One of the tests that are conducted in schools all across Europe and Asia are basic coordination tests. Not everyone needs to know how to throw a football like Tom Brady or play tennis like Andre Agassi, but they should know enough about depth perception and visual discrimination to keep themselves safe and alert.

If you have any questions about Dyslexia, or would like to learn more about how Learning Ridge can help your child with a Language Processing Disorder, please feel free to call Christine at 404-964-8533 or you can also email

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